Learn How to Create Images which Transcend the Everyday…
The Creative Expression Photography Course explores the concept of photography as image making. By the end of the Creative Expression Workshop you will be creating impressive, powerful images which resonate with emotion. This course springboards your creativity into an expressive art form which is unique to your personal vision. The course is aimed at individuals who want to move away from taking everyday shots and enter a dynamic world of Seeing and Interpretation.
By the end of the course you will capture beautifully composed photographs using a variety of different creative techniques.
This course is delivered on location using dynamic visuals of Central London locations. Locations are individually selected to enable the process of Visualisation.
Creative Expression is an assignment based photography workshop and short projects are set to enable the process of Seeing and Interpretation. Lou Smith shares creative techniques which are exclusive to her practice as a Fine Artist. Learn how to understand the world of shapes, textures and forms within which to express your personal vision.
Creative Expression Course Content
- how to use colour to add impact
- how to discover texture and different surfaces
- how to create abstract images
- how to develop your personal vision
- short practical assignments to aid creative visualisation
- variety of creative techniques to empower image making
- compositional techniques for creating powerful images
- making an image resonate with emotion
- depth of field and aperture values
- shutter speeds for creative effects
- focusing techniques
- understanding how lenses render a scene
- how to select lenses for different shots
- evaluation of work completed; what worked and did not work
Duration, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm
Suitable for DSLRs, compact system/mirrorless cameras, bridge cameras, compacts and advanced compacts.
Course Fees
The Creative Expression Course is delivered as 1to1 tuition for an individual or is private to your group. When you book for a private group add the number of places you need.
price per person for one attending, £315 – Please use the booking form below
price per person for two attending, £225 – Please use the separate contact form including your details
price per person for three+ attending £195 – Please use the separate contact form including your details
Please use the calendar to select the date you prefer and add the number of places you require to the booking form which follows.
Meet in Central London near London Bridge Rail Station, Tooley Street, SE1 3QX