Photographing People in Public

Photographing People in Public Places

Shoreditch Street Photography

Photographing people in a public place can feel daunting at first.  When you try it’s like everyone can see you.  Once you’ve taken a few shots, step back and relax.  There comes a realisation that people are in their own world and don’t notice you at all. (more…)

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Street Photography Dream

Street Photography


It’s another hot day and I feel I would like to stay at home dreaming.  Instead I head off to the city centre to capture stuff that dreams are made of.  I walk for a bit, just taking it all it.  The sun, the blue sky, folks milling about, the ice creams and lots of talk.  I don’t try to photograph at this point as I am exploring (more…)

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Colourful Doors of the Barber Shop

When you visit a town for the first time I always have a good look around to see what’s colourful in the scene.Ā  Walking down a small side street I came across a set of colourful doors.Ā  Doors are fantastic to photograph as the structure is made up of geometric form.Ā  Geometric blocks are an element which adds structure to the composition.

Colourful doors


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Teignmouth Pier

Teignmouth Pier
Photographing the Colourful Teignmouth Pier

Teignmouth Pier on a Sunny July Day

Walking along the promenade in Teignmouth on a sunny day is just fab. The English seaside is the place to be when it is hot. London has had record breaking hot days and we always head to the coast to cool off.Ā  I look towards the sea and discover the Pier surrounded in summer blues and turquoises.Ā  This gives the Pier an immediate colour boost through which to frame my shot.Ā  In the UK I am not used to seeing such colour and illumination.Ā  Grey skies have gone and the wonderful summer blue sky is here.Ā  Makes me want to take a dip! (more…)

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Colour Street Photography

The digital era enables photography to be instantly reviewed and gives photographers access to colour post processing.Ā  Back in the day, black and white was more readily able to be processed in a home dark room.Ā  Now photographers have instant choices; shoot in black and white or visualise in colour.Ā  Colour adds an important dynamic to street photography as it becomes part of the narrative of colour street photography.


Colour Street Photography
Colour Street Photography in Shoreditch


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Abstract Form

Today the sun is shining and I feel the power of the elements around me.Ā  This time of year is when everything awakens from a long sleep.Ā  Day light is longer and the sense of seeing lingers when light is luminous.Ā  The air is fresh, cool on my face and the breeze drifts around me.Ā  I like the feel of the invigoration of the day.Ā  Everywhere around me are elements of abstraction for exploring abstract form.Ā  This is a good day to create abstract images…

Abstract Form


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London Cool Style

Today is another day in which to photograph the street. Filtered light fills the scene and enables me to see straight into store windows.Ā  Soft light minimises light bounce which create reflections.Ā  I explore the sense of place which I interpret as London Cool Style.

Street Photography - London Cool Style (more…)

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Abstraction in the City

Abstract Photography
Reflections Create Abstract Forms

Today in the City of London it is a day within which it is easy to chase light.Ā  Light flows freely along the streets and reflects off the sleek surfaces of modern buildings creating alleyways of illumination.

Photography is about light and our digital sensors love light if you handle it with sensitivity.Ā  The light today gives an opportunity to create an abstract image using London architecture as a starting point.Ā  (more…)

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Golden Glow Through The Trees

Autumn in Greenwich Park
Golden Glow Through The Trees

Another Autumn day in the Park and the light is gently filtered.Ā  As I make my way I come to a clearing which is illuminated by golden light.Ā  I look as see a wave of gold in front of me and as I gaze I see thousands of leaves filling the air around me.Ā  They are golden and glow through the trees.Ā  I look down at my feet and golden hues are reflected on the path.Ā  I look and see its colouration on my hands and I anticipate my face is golden too.Ā  (more…)

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Yellow Autumn

Yellow Autumn Leaves
Yellow Leaves of Autumn Revealed Through the Mist

I love the quiet which the Park brings to my day.Ā  As I walk I see this view which stretches across the Park.Ā  The mist is haunting as it slowly reveals the yellow leaves of Autumn behind its veil.

This is a view to linger on, taking time to see each nuance of colour, detail, atmosphere and sublime textures of this day.

In the distance I see two people walking a dog and a third following slowly behind.Ā  (more…)

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