Progress Your Photography With One to One Mentoring from Lou Smith
Theme Mentoring is aimed at individuals who want challenges in their photography and receive professional and creative feedback about their work. Theme Mentoring is a great way to improve your photography without doing a course. It has additional benefits that it will help to build or add to your existing portfolio, website, flickrstream or facebook profile or page. Whichever stage you are at, mentoring is an invaluable way in which to progress and develop your work.
This is a dedicated mentoring program where I will support you photographically for either 6 or 12 months.
How Does Theme Mentoring Work?
- a theme is set every month for the period you subscribe to (either 6 or 12 months)
- themes are open to interpretation
- you take photos in response to the theme, in which you have a month to do so
- you then upload 4 of your best shots for personal feedback
- themes open on the 1st of the month and submissions are received by the end of the month in which they are set
- you upload to a dedicated online mentoring zone where your submission receives feedback
- personal feedback is received within 7 days of the theme deadline
- you have your own private space online
Themes are designed to challenge you and make you think about your photographic approach. Theme Mentoring also assists in helping you to work to deadlines and to photograph more consistently that you may be used to doing. By uploading 4 images for review you are already identifying what you want from your photography and learning how to evaluate your work.
Feedback and critical appraisal of work is essential if you wish to develop and extend your photographic and creative skills. Feedback is nurturing and will identify personal individual strengths and how to develop your strengths. Therefore mentoring will also identify weaknesses in your work which is an integral part of development to help you identify new approaches which then become personal strengths.
How Much Does Theme Mentoring Cost?
- £195 for 6 months
- £350 for 12 months
Book here for Mentoring by Theme 6 Months
Book here for Mentoring by Theme 12 Months