Head for the streets when it rains and see light bounce off the pavements creating illumination. At any time of the year rain is always a welcome aspect for photographers as it helps us to capture very different types of shots. In this photograph who could resist the rhythmical line of passer-byes and their umbrellas? Not me for sure! City pavings stones become a deeper tone than the regular mid grey. This creates interesting surfaces of texture and colours for light to reflect back to the camera’s digital sensor. Remember to keep the composition simple as it enables us to enjoy the reflective surfaces which rain and light creates. I love London when it rains!
Lou Smith is a Fine Artist with over 30 years experience in the Visual Arts and works in the creative mediums of photography, painting and video. Street photography is a genre in which Lou explores and records the time in which she lives.
Learn more about the photography courses which Lou teaches in London. Learn creative street photography with techniques exclusive to Lou Smith Fine Art Photography.
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© Lou Smith 2013, All Rights Reserved
- Photographing People in Public - 08/04/2023
- Street Photography Dream - 11/08/2020
- Colourful Doors of the Barber Shop - 29/07/2017