Peaceful Contemplation in Trafalgar Square

On a wet day in August I head out to London to photograph the rain. Rain always creates amazing reflections as pavements are illuminated with light. Never be afraid of the rain as it is just another photo opportunity! I make my way into Central London to take a look at Trafalgar Square. Wow – it is wet and as the rain pours I discover gentle contemplation in the centre of Trafalgar Square. Falun Dafa followers are sitting quietly, eyes closed as the rain falls on them. I move forward with my camera as I want to get in close. I tread quietly as if on tip toe so as not to disturb the peaceful contemplation. No-one looks at me as I move forward. This is dedication as the rain continues to fall and the followers remain still in their quiet contemplation. I frame the shot and marvel at the reflections as the followers sit quietly in the rain with eyes closed. I bow, and move quietly away.
Find more information about the ethos of Falun Dafa check here.
About Lou Smith Fine Art Photography
Lou Smith is a Fine Art Photographer with over 30 years experience in the visual arts and is a Fine Artist specialising in photography and painting. She is an experienced tutor and teaches photography in London. Take a look at the photography courses page.
For more street photography take a look at the Street Photography Gallery
Photographs and content may not be used without permission.
© Lou Smith 2015, All Rights Reserved
- Photographing People in Public - 08/04/2023
- Street Photography Dream - 11/08/2020
- Colourful Doors of the Barber Shop - 29/07/2017