Spring Has Sprung

Signs of Spring

Spring Buds
Flowering Blossom Buds Waiting to Bloom

There has been a change in the life of the Park.Ā  Today I noticed that buds are getting ready for their time to bloom.Ā  The Park has awakened from its winter sleep and is stirring with new life.Ā  This is an exciting time of change and one which I eagerly await.Ā  I love the life in the Park as she goes through her seasonal changes.Ā  Every day has something to admire and wonder at its gentle beauty.Ā  Here the blossom trees are getting ready to bloom, soft buds reaching up towards the light.Ā  Already you can see the gentle colours of pink through the tip of the bud.Ā  Soon she will open.

spring buds
Flowering Buds Start to Bloom

This bud is ready to reveal its beautiful flower as it slowly pushes its way through the tip of the bud.Ā  The bud is like aĀ cocoon which gently protects and nurtures its contents.Ā  The bud will open when the sun shines and warms it to its centre.Ā  I see this change and love the way in which the small flower makes its way towards the light.Ā  I decide to come back in a few days to see the flower in its full glory.Ā  This is a good time to be alive as the Park awakens to greet the Spring.

About Lou Smith Fine Art Photography

Lou Smith is a Fine Art Photographer with over 30 years experience in the visual arts and is a Fine Artist specialising in photography and painting. She is an experienced tutor and teaches photography in London.Ā  If you would like to develop your photography skills with Lou take a look at our photography courses page.

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Ā© Lou Smith 2016, All Rights Reserved

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