Sculptural Form of Trees

Photographing Sculptural Forms

Today in the park I came across a grand tree which is tall in stature reaching up towards the sky.Ā  The tree was so tall I had to tilt my head right back to admire its stretch.Ā  The top of the tree trunk was broken, perhaps a storm or lightning strike.Ā  I look up and admire, seeing all the branches stretching towards the light.Ā  I love the textures of the trunk, quiteĀ gnarled in places.Ā  This tree has been here for a long time and stands silently watching life as it passes by.Ā  The branches and trunk are sculptural in form.Ā  I still stop, looking up enjoying what I see.


Sculptural Tree Form
Suclptural Tree Form


The tree is beautiful and it stands for all time for us to see.Ā  I walk further up the path to view its entirety; it’s such a wonderful sight that I am walking backwards, not wanting to miss a second of what I see.Ā  People walk past, a jogger jogs past and old man walks past holding on to his stick.Ā  Life walks past and I am walking backwards not wanting to miss a moment of what I see.Ā  At last I am in the spot, the spot from where I can see the tree in its entirety.Ā  I lift my camera to my eye still looking at the sculptural form of the tree.Ā  I frame the shot still looking at the sculptural form of the tree.Ā  There…it’s done.


Autumn Tree
Autumn Sun Falling on the Sculptural Form of the Tree

About Lou Smith Fine Art Photography

Lou Smith is a Fine Art Photographer with over 30 years experience in the visual arts and is a Fine Artist specialising in photography and painting. She is an experienced tutor and teaches photography in London. Take a look at the photography courses page.

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Ā© Lou Smith 2015, All Rights Reserved

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