Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography
Portrait of Ron

June is a favourite month, warm, sunny and flowers are in bloom.  We head out to discover landscaped gardens on a warm June day.  The sweet scent of summer is everywhere and the flowers pop with colour.  We sit and rest awhile, just enjoying our escape from the busy city life of London.  We are the only people in the gardens and it is amazing (more…)

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Black and White Photography

The Language of Light in Black and White Photography

Black and White Photography
Dramatic Contrasts of Shadows Fall on the Tree

London has bathed in amazing sunshine over the last few days as we head into Spring, leaving Winter far behind.  This light is great for black and white photography as everything is fully illuminated and contrasts are strong.  I prefer (more…)

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Solitude in the Land

A gentle dusting of frost covers the land at the end of December. Just before Christmas and London receives zero nightime temperatures so that on waking up early, white is in the colouration of the land.  Hmm…this is the time for a morning walk with my camera. (more…)

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Poppies At Tower of London

The poppies at the Tower of London are part of an art installation in collaboration with ceramic artist Paul Cummins and theatre stage designer Tom Piper.  The installation commemorates the centenary of the First World War.  The exhibition opened 5th August 2014 and runs until 11th November 2014.  The red moat of poppies is an incredible sight.  As we near the end of the exhibition, thousands of visitors  (more…)

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Street Photography Composition

Composition and the Urban Life

You see the shot, you fill the frame and then…..


Street Photography
Urban Photography by Lou Smith Fine Art Photographer

The location was packed, lots of people milling around – some talking, some eating taking time out from work.  In the midst of this there were 2 people, not connected, sitting separately from each other.  The crowds melt away and quietly there is an essence of isolation and foreboding in the scene. (more…)

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London Marathon 2013
London Marathon 2013 - Runners Leave Blackheath and Pick Up a Good Pace

London Marathon 2013

London Marathon 2013 Gets Off  To A Great Start at Blackheath


London Marathon 2013
London Marathon Gets Off To A Great Start From Blackheath

It’s Sunday 21st April and the runners are picking up an amazing pace right at the start of the London Marathon.  Crowds pack the pavements, and even some of the runners leave the road to overtake using the pavement.  Watch out!  Photographer in the way!  Bash, bump right into (more…)

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St George’s Day Celebrations London 2013
Street Portrait - Enjoying St George's Day London 2013

St George’s Day Celebrations London 2013

The Feast of St George!  Live in Trafalgar Square

Expect dragon slaying, entertainers, musicians, stalls and people dressed up having a good time on St George’s Day London 2013.  Location Trafalgar Square.  Lou Smith, camera in hand was there to capture the liveliness of this annual event.


Street Photography Portrait
Street Portrait – Cool Dude Enjoying St George’s Day London 2013



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London Celebrates the Colourful and Exciting Chinese New Year 2013

The Year of the Snake – Chinese New Year 2013


Chinese New Year London 2013
Colourful processions parade through London celebrating the Year of the Snake

The Chinese New Year is a fantastic display of colour.  Chinese dragons, dancers, firecrackers and music are all part of this visually rich display.  An amazing opportunity to experience this cultural event without even leaving the country!  London popped with colour and (more…)

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Street Vibe with Lou Smith

Street Photography as Stalls Sizzle and Buzz with Christmas Vibe   As London gears up for Christmas Street Photography is at its best.  Stalls sizzle, pop and burn as smoke…

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